Quellcode durchsuchen

* reimplemented vector unit using type helpers

Bergmann89 vor 9 Jahren
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  1. +994
  2. +409
  3. +577

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ugluVectorEx.inc Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,994 @@
type __HELPER = type helper for __VEC
{$IF __SIZE = 2}
class function Create(const x, y: __IMPL.TBaseType): __IMPL.TVector2; static; inline;
{$ELSEIF __SIZE = 3}
class function Create(const x, y, z: __IMPL.TBaseType): __IMPL.TVector3; static; inline;
{$ELSEIF __SIZE = 4}
class function Create(const x, y, z, w: __IMPL.TBaseType): __IMPL.TVector4; static; inline;
{$ERROR only vectors of size 2, 3 or 4 are supported}

function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String; inline;
class function FromString(const s: String): __VEC; static; inline;
class function TryFromString(const s: String; out v: __VEC): Boolean; static; inline;
class function Zero: __VEC; static; inline;

{$IF __SIZE = 2}
function x: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
function y: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
function yx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;

{$IF __SIZE = 3}
function x: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
function y: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
function z: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;

function xx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function xy: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function xz: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function yx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function yy: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function yz: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function zx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function zy: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function zz: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;

function xxx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xxy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xxz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xyx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xyy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xyz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xzx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xzy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xzz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;

function yxx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yxy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yxz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yyx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yyy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yyz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yzx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yzy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yzz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;

function zxx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zxy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zxz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zyx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zyy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zyz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zzx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zzy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zzz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;

{$IF __SIZE = 4}
function x: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
function y: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
function z: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
function w: __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;

function xx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function xy: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function xz: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function xw: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function yx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function yy: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function yz: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function yw: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function zx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function zy: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function zz: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function zw: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function wx: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function wy: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function wz: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;
function ww: __IMPL.TVector2; inline;

function xxx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xxy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xxz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xxw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xyx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xyy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xyz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xyw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xzx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xzy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xzz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xzw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xwx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xwy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xwz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function xww: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yxx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yxy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yxz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yxw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yyx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yyy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yyz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yyw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yzx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yzy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yzz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yzw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function ywx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function ywy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function ywz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function yww: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zxx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zxy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zxz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zxw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zyx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zyy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zyz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zyw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zzx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zzy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zzz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zzw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zwx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zwy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zwz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function zww: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wxx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wxy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wxz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wxw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wyx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wyy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wyz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wyw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wzx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wzy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wzz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wzw: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wwx: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wwy: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function wwz: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;
function www: __IMPL.TVector3; inline;

function xxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xxww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xywx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xywy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xywz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xyww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xzww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function xwww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yxww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yywx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yywy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yywz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yyww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function yzww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function ywww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zxww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zywx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zywy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zywz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zyww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zzww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function zwww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wxww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wywx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wywy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wywz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wyww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wzww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwxx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwxy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwxz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwxw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwyx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwyy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwyz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwyw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwzx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwzy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwzz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwzw: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwwx: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwwy: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwwz: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
function wwww: __IMPL.TVector4; inline;
operator = (const v1, v2: __VEC): Boolean; inline;
type __HELPER_I = type helper(__HELPER) for __VEC
function Length: Double; inline;
{$IF __SIZE <> 4}
function Add(const v: __VEC): __VEC; inline;
function Subtract(const v: __VEC): __VEC; inline;
function Multiply(const v: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC; inline;
{$IF __SIZE <> 4}
operator + (const v1, v2: __VEC): __VEC; inline;
operator - (const v1, v2: __VEC): __VEC; inline;
type __HELPER_F = type helper(__HELPER_I) for __VEC
function Normalize: __VEC; inline;
function Divide(const v: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC; inline;
function Dot(const v: __VEC): __IMPL.TBaseType; inline;
{$IF __SIZE <> 4}
function Angle(const v: __VEC): Double; inline;
{$IF __SIZE = 2}
function Angle2(const v: __VEC): Double; inline;
function Clamp(const min, max: __VEC): __VEC; inline;
function Clamp(const min, max: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC; inline;
operator * (const v: __VEC; const s: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
operator * (const s: __IMPL.TBaseType; const v: __VEC): __VEC;
operator * (const v1, v2: __VEC): __IMPL.TBaseType;
{$IF __SIZE = 2}
class function __HELPER.Create(const x, y: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Vector2(x, y);
{$ELSEIF __SIZE = 3}
class function __HELPER.Create(const x, y, z: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Vector3(x, y, z);
{$ELSEIF __SIZE = 4}
class function __HELPER.Create(const x, y, z, w: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Vector4(x, y, z, w);

function __HELPER.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := __IMPL.ToString(self, aRound);

class function __HELPER.FromString(const s: String): __VEC;
if not __IMPL.TryFromString(s, result) then
result := Zero;

class function __HELPER.TryFromString(const s: String; out v: __VEC): Boolean;
result := __IMPl.TryFromString(s, v);

class function __HELPER.Zero: __VEC;
FillByte(result{%H-}[0], Length(result) * SizeOf(result[0]), 0);

{$IF __SIZE = 2}
function __HELPER.x: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[0]; end;
function __HELPER.y: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[1]; end;
function __HELPER.yx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[0]); end;

{$IF __SIZE = 3}
function __HELPER.x: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[0]; end;
function __HELPER.y: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[1]; end;
function __HELPER.z: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[2]; end;

function __HELPER.xx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[0], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.xy: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[0], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.xz: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[0], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.yx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.yy: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.yz: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.zx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[2], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.zy: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[2], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.zz: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[2], self[2]); end;

function __HELPER.xxx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.xxy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.xxz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.xyx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.xyy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.xyz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.xzx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.xzy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.xzz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;

function __HELPER.yxx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.yxy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.yxz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.yyx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.yyy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.yyz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.yzx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.yzy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.yzz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;

function __HELPER.zxx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.zxy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.zxz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.zyx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.zyy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.zyz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __HELPER.zzx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __HELPER.zzy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __HELPER.zzz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;

{$IF __SIZE = 4}
function __Helper.x: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[0]; end;
function __Helper.y: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[1]; end;
function __Helper.z: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[2]; end;
function __Helper.w: __IMPL.TBaseType; begin result := self[3]; end;

function __Helper.xx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xy: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xz: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xw: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yy: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yz: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yw: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zy: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zz: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zw: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wx: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wy: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wz: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.ww: __IMPL.TVector2; begin result := __IMPL.Vector2(self[3], self[3]); end;

function __Helper.xxx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xxy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xxz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xxw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xyx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xyy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xyz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xyw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xzx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xzy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xzz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xzw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xwx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xwy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xwz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xww: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[0], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yxx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yxy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yxz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yxw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yyx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yyy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yyz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yyw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yzx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yzy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yzz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yzw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.ywx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.ywy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.ywz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yww: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[1], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zxx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zxy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zxz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zxw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zyx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zyy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zyz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zyw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zzx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zzy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zzz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zzw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zwx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zwy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zwz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zww: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[2], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wxx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wxy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wxz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wxw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wyx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wyy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wyz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wyw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wzx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wzy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wzz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wzw: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wwx: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wwy: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wwz: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.www: __IMPL.TVector3; begin result := __IMPL.Vector3(self[3], self[3], self[3]); end;

function __Helper.xxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xxww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[0], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xywx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xywy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xywz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xyww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[1], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xzww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[2], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xwxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xwxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xwxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xwxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xwyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xwyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xwyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xwyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xwzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xwzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xwzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xwzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.xwwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.xwwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.xwwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.xwww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[0], self[3], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yxww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[0], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yywx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yywy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yywz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yyww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[1], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.yzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.yzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.yzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.yzww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[2], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.ywxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.ywxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.ywxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.ywxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.ywyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.ywyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.ywyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.ywyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.ywzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.ywzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.ywzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.ywzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.ywwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.ywwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.ywwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.ywww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[1], self[3], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zxww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[0], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zywx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zywy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zywz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zyww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[1], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zzww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[2], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zwxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zwxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zwxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zwxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zwyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zwyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zwyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zwyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zwzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zwzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zwzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zwzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.zwwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.zwwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.zwwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.zwww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[2], self[3], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wxxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wxxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wxxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wxxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wxyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wxyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wxyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wxyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wxzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wxzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wxzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wxzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wxwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wxwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wxwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wxww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[0], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wyxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wyxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wyxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wyxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wyyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wyyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wyyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wyyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wyzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wyzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wyzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wyzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wywx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wywy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wywz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wyww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[1], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wzxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wzxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wzxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wzxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wzyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wzyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wzyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wzyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wzzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wzzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wzzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wzzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wzwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wzwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wzwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wzww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[2], self[3], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wwxx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[0], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wwxy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[0], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wwxz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[0], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wwxw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[0], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wwyx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[1], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wwyy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[1], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wwyz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[1], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wwyw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[1], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wwzx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[2], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wwzy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[2], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wwzz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[2], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wwzw: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[2], self[3]); end;
function __Helper.wwwx: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[3], self[0]); end;
function __Helper.wwwy: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[3], self[1]); end;
function __Helper.wwwz: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[3], self[2]); end;
function __Helper.wwww: __IMPL.TVector4; begin result := __IMPL.Vector4(self[3], self[3], self[3], self[3]); end;

operator = (const v1, v2: __VEC): Boolean;
result := __IMPL.Equals(v1, v2);
function __HELPER_I.Length: Double;
result := __IMPL.Length(self);

{$IF __SIZE <> 4}
function __HELPER_I.Add(const v: __VEC): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Add(self, v);

function __HELPER_I.Subtract(const v: __VEC): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Sub(self, v);

function __HELPER_I.Multiply(const v: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Multiply(self, v);

{$IF __SIZE <> 4}
operator + (const v1, v2: __VEC): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Add(v1, v2);

operator - (const v1, v2: __VEC): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Sub(v1, v2);
function __HELPER_F.Normalize: __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Normalize(self);

function __HELPER_F.Divide(const v: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Divide(self, v);

function __HELPER_F.Dot(const v: __VEC): __IMPL.TBaseType;
result := __IMPL.Dot(self, v);

{$IF __SIZE <> 4}
function __HELPER_F.Angle(const v: __VEC): Double;
result := __IMPL.Angle(self, v);

{$IF __SIZE = 2}
function __HELPER_F.Angle2(const v: __VEC): Double;
result := __IMPL.Angle2(self, v);

function __HELPER_F.Clamp(const min, max: __VEC): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Clamp(self, min, max);

function __HELPER_F.Clamp(const min, max: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
result := __IMPL.Clamp(self, min, max);

operator * (const v: __VEC; const s: __IMPL.TBaseType): __VEC;
result := __IMPl.Multiply(v, s);

operator * (const s: __IMPL.TBaseType; const v: __VEC): __VEC;
result := __IMPl.Multiply(v, s);

operator * (const v1, v2: __VEC): __IMPL.TBaseType;
result := __IMPl.Dot(v1, v2);


+ 409
- 0
ugluVectorEx.pas Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
unit ugluVectorEx;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
{$macro on}
{$modeswitch typehelpers}


Classes, SysUtils,

TgluVector2p = TgluVectorP.TVector2;
TgluVector3p = TgluVectorP.TVector3;
TgluVector4p = TgluVectorP.TVector4;

TgluVector2e = TgluVectorE.TVector2;
TgluVector3e = TgluVectorE.TVector3;
TgluVector4e = TgluVectorE.TVector4;

TgluVector2i = TgluVectorI.TVector2;
TgluVector3i = TgluVectorI.TVector3;
TgluVector4i = TgluVectorI.TVector4;

TgluVector2us = TgluVectorUS.TVector2;
TgluVector3us = TgluVectorUS.TVector3;
TgluVector4us = TgluVectorUS.TVector4;

TgluVector2ub = TgluVectorUB.TVector2;
TgluVector3ub = TgluVectorUB.TVector3;
TgluVector4ub = TgluVectorUB.TVector4;

TgluVector2f = TgluVectorF.TVector2;
TgluVector3f = TgluVectorF.TVector3;
TgluVector4f = TgluVectorF.TVector4;

TgluVector2d = TgluVectorD.TVector2;
TgluVector3d = TgluVectorD.TVector3;
TgluVector4d = TgluVectorD.TVector4;

{ TgluVector2p }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorP}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2p}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2p}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3p }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorP}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3p}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3p}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4p }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorP}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4p}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4p}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2e }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorE}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2e}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2e}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3e }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorE}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3e}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3e}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4e }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorE}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4e}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4e}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2i }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorI}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2ii}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3i }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorI}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3ii}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4i }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorI}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4ii}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2us }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUS}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2usi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3us }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUS}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3usi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4us }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUS}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4usi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2ub }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUB}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2ubi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3ub }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUB}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3ubi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4ub }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUB}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4ubi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2f }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorF}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2fi}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector2ff}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3f }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorF}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3fi}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector3ff}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4f }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorF}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4fi}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector4ff}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2d }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorD}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2di}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector2df}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3d }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorD}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3di}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector3df}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4d }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorD}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4di}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector4df}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}


{ TgluVector2p }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorP}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2p}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2p}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3p }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorP}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3p}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3p}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4p }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorP}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4p}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4p}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2e }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorE}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2e}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2e}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3e }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorE}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3e}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3e}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4e }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorE}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4e}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4e}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2i }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorI}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2ii}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3i }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorI}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3ii}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4i }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorI}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4i}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4ii}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2us }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUS}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2usi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3us }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUS}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3usi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4us }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUS}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4us}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4usi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2ub }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUB}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2ubi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3ub }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUB}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3ubi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4ub }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorUB}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4ub}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4ubi}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2f }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorF}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2fi}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector2ff}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3f }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorF}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3fi}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector3ff}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4ub }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorF}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4f}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4fi}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector4ff}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector2d }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorD}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 2}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector2d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector2d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector2di}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector2df}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector3d }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorD}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 3}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector3d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector3d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector3di}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector3df}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}

{ TgluVector4d }
{$DEFINE __IMPL := TgluVectorD}
{$DEFINE __SIZE := 4}
{$DEFINE __VEC := TgluVector4d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER := TgluTypeHelperVector4d}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_I := TgluTypeHelperVector4di}
{$DEFINE __HELPER_F := TgluTypeHelperVector4df}
{$I ugluVectorEx.inc}


+ 577
- 0
ugluVectorExHelper.pas Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
unit ugluVectorExHelper;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
{$modeswitch typehelpers}


Classes, SysUtils;

generic TgluVectorHelper<T> = class
public type
TBaseType = T;
PBaseType = ^TBaseType;

TVector2 = array[0..1] of T;
TVector3 = array[0..2] of T;
TVector4 = array[0..3] of T;

PVector2 = ^TVector2;
PVector3 = ^TVector3;
PVector4 = ^TVector4;

class function Vector2(const x, y: T): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Vector3(const x, y, z: T): TVector3; overload; inline;
class function Vector4(const x, y, z, w: T): TVector4; overload; inline;

class function Equals(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): Boolean; overload; inline;
class function Equals(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): Boolean; overload; inline;
class function Equals(const v1: TVector4; const v2: TVector4): Boolean; overload; inline;

class function ToString(const v: TVector2; const aRound: Integer = -3): String; overload;
class function ToString(const v: TVector3; const aRound: Integer = -3): String; overload;
class function ToString(const v: TVector4; const aRound: Integer = -3): String; overload;

class function TryFromString(const s: String; out v: TVector2): Boolean; overload; inline;
class function TryFromString(const s: String; out v: TVector3): Boolean; overload; inline;
class function TryFromString(const s: String; out v: TVector4): Boolean; overload; inline;

class function TryFromString(const s: String; p: PBaseType; aCount: Integer): Boolean;

generic TgluVectorHelperI<T> = class(specialize TgluVectorHelper<T>)
class function Length(const v: TVector2): Double; overload; inline;
class function Length(const v: TVector3): Double; overload; inline;
class function Length(const v: TVector4): Double; overload; inline;

class function Multiply(const v: TVector2; const a: T): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Multiply(const v: TVector3; const a: T): TVector3; overload; inline;
class function Multiply(const v: TVector4; const a: T): TVector4; overload; inline;

class function Add(const v1, v2: TVector2): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Add(const v1, v2: TVector3): TVector3; overload; inline;

class function Sub(const v1, v2: TVector2): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Sub(const v1, v2: TVector3): TVector3; overload; inline;

generic TgluVectorHelperF<T> = class(specialize TgluVectorHelperI<T>)
class function Normalize(const v: TVector2): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Normalize(const v: TVector3): TVector3; overload; inline;
class function Normalize(const v: TVector4): TVector4; overload; inline;

class function Divide(const v: TVector2; const a: T): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Divide(const v: TVector3; const a: T): TVector3; overload; inline;
class function Divide(const v: TVector4; const a: T): TVector4; overload; inline;

class function Dot(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): T; overload; inline;
class function Dot(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): T; overload; inline;
class function Dot(const v1: TVector4; const v2: TVector4): T; overload; inline;

class function Cross(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): TVector3; overload; inline;

class function Angle(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): Double; overload; inline;
class function Angle(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): Double; overload; inline;
class function Angle2(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): Double; overload; inline;

class function ClampVal(const v, aMin, aMax: T): T; overload; inline;
class function Clamp(const v, aMin, aMax: TVector2): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Clamp(const v, aMin, aMax: TVector3): TVector3; overload; inline;
class function Clamp(const v, aMin, aMax: TVector4): TVector4; overload; inline;
class function Clamp(const v: TVector2; const aMin, aMax: T): TVector2; overload; inline;
class function Clamp(const v: TVector3; const aMin, aMax: T): TVector3; overload; inline;
class function Clamp(const v: TVector4; const aMin, aMax: T): TVector4; overload; inline;

TgluVectorP = specialize TgluVectorHelper<Pointer>;
TgluVectorE = specialize TgluVectorHelper<Cardinal>;

TgluVectorI = specialize TgluVectorHelperI<Integer>;
TgluVectorUS = specialize TgluVectorHelperI<Word>;
TgluVectorUB = specialize TgluVectorHelperI<Byte>;

TgluVectorF = specialize TgluVectorHelperF<Single>;
TgluVectorD = specialize TgluVectorHelperF<Double>;



TPointerTypeHelper = type helper for Pointer
function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String;
class function TryFromString(s: String; out v: Pointer): Boolean; static;

TCardinalTypeHelper = type helper for Cardinal
function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String;
class function TryFromString(s: String; out v: Cardinal): Boolean; static;

TIntegerTypeHelper = type helper for Integer
function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String;
class function TryFromString(s: String; out v: Integer): Boolean; static;

TWordTypeHelper = type helper for Word
function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String;
class function TryFromString(s: String; out v: Word): Boolean; static;

TByteTypeHelper = type helper for Byte
function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String;
class function TryFromString(s: String; out v: Byte): Boolean; static;

TSingleTypeHelper = type helper for Single
function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String;
class function TryFromString(s: String; out v: Single): Boolean; static;

TDoubleTypeHelper = type helper for Double
function ToString(const aRound: Integer = -3): String;
class function TryFromString(s: String; out v: Double): Boolean; static;

function IntToStrRounded(i: Int64; const aRound: Integer): String;
var p: Cardinal;
if (aRound > 0) then begin
p := Round(power(10, aRound));
i := i div p;
i := i * p;
result := IntToStr(i);

function FloatToStrRounded(f: Extended; const aRound: Integer): String;
var p: Cardinal; fmt: TFormatSettings;
if (aRound > 0) then begin
p := Round(power(10, aRound));
f := Round(f / p) * p;
fmt.DecimalSeparator := '.';
result := Format('%.*f', [Max(0, -aRound), f], fmt);

function TPointerTypeHelper.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := '0x' + IntToHex({%H-}PtrUInt(self), 2 * SizeOf(Pointer));

class function TPointerTypeHelper.TryFromString(s: String; out v: Pointer): Boolean;
i: Int64;
s := StringReplace(s, '0x', '$', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
result := TryStrToInt64(s, i);
if result
then v := {%H-}Pointer(PtrUInt(i))
else v := nil;

function TCardinalTypeHelper.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := IntToStrRounded(self, aRound);

class function TCardinalTypeHelper.TryFromString(s: String; out v: Cardinal): Boolean;
var i: LongInt;
result := TryStrToInt(s, i);
if result
then v := i
else v := 0;

function TIntegerTypeHelper.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := IntToStrRounded(self, aRound);

class function TIntegerTypeHelper.TryFromString(s: String; out v: Integer): Boolean;
result := TryStrToInt(s, v);

function TWordTypeHelper.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := IntToStrRounded(self, aRound);

class function TWordTypeHelper.TryFromString(s: String; out v: Word): Boolean;
var i: LongInt;
result := TryStrToInt(s, i);
if result
then v := i
else v := 0;

function TByteTypeHelper.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := IntToStrRounded(self, aRound);

class function TByteTypeHelper.TryFromString(s: String; out v: Byte): Boolean;
var i: LongInt;
result := TryStrToInt(s, i);
if result
then v := i
else v := 0;

function TSingleTypeHelper.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := FloatToStrRounded(self, aRound);

class function TSingleTypeHelper.TryFromString(s: String; out v: Single): Boolean;
var f: TFormatSettings;
f.DecimalSeparator := '.';
result := TryStrToFloat(s, v, f);

function TDoubleTypeHelper.ToString(const aRound: Integer): String;
result := FloatToStrRounded(self, aRound);

class function TDoubleTypeHelper.TryFromString(s: String; out v: Double): Boolean;
var f: TFormatSettings;
f.DecimalSeparator := '.';
result := TryStrToFloat(s, v, f);

class function TgluVectorHelper.Vector2(const x, y: T): TVector2;
result[0] := x;
result[1] := y;

class function TgluVectorHelper.Vector3(const x, y, z: T): TVector3;
result[0] := x;
result[1] := y;
result[2] := z;

class function TgluVectorHelper.Vector4(const x, y, z, w: T): TVector4;
result[0] := x;
result[1] := y;
result[2] := z;
result[3] := w;

class function TgluVectorHelper.Equals(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): Boolean;
result := (v1[0] = v2[0]) and (v1[1] = v2[1]);

class function TgluVectorHelper.Equals(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): Boolean;
result := Equals(PVector2(@v1[0])^, PVector2(@v2[0])^) and (v1[2] = v2[2]);

class function TgluVectorHelper.Equals(const v1: TVector4; const v2: TVector4): Boolean;
result := Equals(PVector3(@v1[0])^, PVector3(@v2[0])^) and (v1[3] = v2[3]);

class function TgluVectorHelper.ToString(const v: TVector2; const aRound: Integer): String;
result := v[0].ToString(aRound) + '; ' + v[1].ToString(aRound);

class function TgluVectorHelper.ToString(const v: TVector3; const aRound: Integer): String;
result := v[0].ToString(aRound) + '; ' + v[1].ToString(aRound) + '; ' + v[2].ToString(aRound);

class function TgluVectorHelper.ToString(const v: TVector4; const aRound: Integer): String;
result := v[0].ToString(aRound) + '; ' + v[1].ToString(aRound) + '; ' + v[2].ToString(aRound) + '; ' + v[3].ToString(aRound);

class function TgluVectorHelper.TryFromString(const s: String; out v: TVector2): Boolean;
result := TryFromString(s, @v[0], 2);

class function TgluVectorHelper.TryFromString(const s: String; out v: TVector3): Boolean;
result := TryFromString(s, @v[0], 3);

class function TgluVectorHelper.TryFromString(const s: String; out v: TVector4): Boolean;
result := TryFromString(s, @v[0], 4);

class function TgluVectorHelper.TryFromString(const s: String; p: PBaseType; aCount: Integer): Boolean;
i, j, l: Integer;
result := true;
i := 1;
j := 1;
l := Length(s);
while ({%H-}i <= {%H-}l) and (aCount > 0) and result {%H-}do begin
if (s[i] = ';') then begin
result := TBaseType.TryFromString(Trim(copy(s, j, i-{%H-}j)), p^);
j := i+1;

while (aCount > 0) do begin
p^ := TBaseType(0);

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Length(const v: TVector2): Double;
result := SQRT(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]);

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Length(const v: TVector3): Double;
result := SQRT(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]);

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Length(const v: TVector4): Double;
result := SQRT(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]) * v[3];

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Multiply(const v: TVector2; const a: T): TVector2;
result[0] := v[0] * a;
result[1] := v[1] * a;

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Multiply(const v: TVector3; const a: T): TVector3;
result[0] := v[0] * a;
result[1] := v[1] * a;
result[2] := v[2] * a;

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Multiply(const v: TVector4; const a: T): TVector4;
result[0] := v[0] * a;
result[1] := v[1] * a;
result[2] := v[2] * a;
result[3] := v[3] * a;

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Add(const v1, v2: TVector2): TVector2;
result[0] := v1[0] + v2[0];
result[1] := v1[1] + v2[1];

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Add(const v1, v2: TVector3): TVector3;
result[0] := v1[0] + v2[0];
result[1] := v1[1] + v2[1];
result[2] := v1[2] + v2[2];

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Sub(const v1, v2: TVector2): TVector2;
result[0] := v1[0] - v2[0];
result[1] := v1[1] - v2[1];

class function TgluVectorHelperI.Sub(const v1, v2: TVector3): TVector3;
result[0] := v1[0] - v2[0];
result[1] := v1[1] - v2[1];
result[2] := v1[2] - v2[2];

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Normalize(const v: TVector2): TVector2;
var l: Double;
l := Length(v);
result[0] := v[0] / l;
result[1] := v[1] / l;

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Normalize(const v: TVector3): TVector3;
var l: Double;
l := Length(v);
result[0] := v[0] / l;
result[1] := v[1] / l;
result[2] := v[2] / l;

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Normalize(const v: TVector4): TVector4;
result := v;
if (result[3] <> 0) then
result := Divide(v, v[3]);
PVector3(@result[0])^ := Normalize(PVector3(@result[0])^);

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Divide(const v: TVector2; const a: T): TVector2;
result[0] := v[0] / a;
result[1] := v[1] / a;

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Divide(const v: TVector3; const a: T): TVector3;
result[0] := v[0] / a;
result[1] := v[1] / a;
result[2] := v[2] / a;

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Divide(const v: TVector4; const a: T): TVector4;
result[0] := v[0] / a;
result[1] := v[1] / a;
result[2] := v[2] / a;
result[3] := v[3] / a;

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Dot(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): T;
result := v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1];

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Dot(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): T;
result := v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2];

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Dot(const v1: TVector4; const v2: TVector4): T;
result := v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2] + v1[3] * v2[3];

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Cross(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): TVector3;
result[0] := v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
result[1] := v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
result[2] := v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Angle(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): Double;
result := ArcCos(Dot(v1, v2) / (Length(v1) * Length(v2)));

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Angle(const v1: TVector3; const v2: TVector3): Double;
result := ArcCos(Dot(v1, v2) / (Length(v1) * Length(v2)));

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Angle2(const v1: TVector2; const v2: TVector2): Double;
result := arctan2(
v2[0] * v1[1] - v2[1] * v1[0],
v2[0] * v1[0] + v2[1] * v1[1]);

class function TgluVectorHelperF.ClampVal(const v, aMin, aMax: T): T;
if (v < aMin) then
result := aMin
else if (v > aMax) then
result := aMax
result := v;

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Clamp(const v, aMin, aMax: TVector2): TVector2;
result[0] := ClampVal(v[0], aMin[0], aMax[0]);
result[1] := ClampVal(v[1], aMin[1], aMax[1]);

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Clamp(const v, aMin, aMax: TVector3): TVector3;
result[0] := ClampVal(v[0], aMin[0], aMax[0]);
result[1] := ClampVal(v[1], aMin[1], aMax[1]);
result[2] := ClampVal(v[2], aMin[2], aMax[2]);

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Clamp(const v, aMin, aMax: TVector4): TVector4;
result[0] := ClampVal(v[0], aMin[0], aMax[0]);
result[1] := ClampVal(v[1], aMin[1], aMax[1]);
result[2] := ClampVal(v[2], aMin[2], aMax[2]);
result[3] := ClampVal(v[3], aMin[3], aMax[3]);

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Clamp(const v: TVector2; const aMin, aMax: T): TVector2;
result[0] := ClampVal(v[0], aMin, aMax);
result[1] := ClampVal(v[1], aMin, aMax);

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Clamp(const v: TVector3; const aMin, aMax: T): TVector3;
result[0] := ClampVal(v[0], aMin, aMax);
result[1] := ClampVal(v[1], aMin, aMax);
result[2] := ClampVal(v[2], aMin, aMax);

class function TgluVectorHelperF.Clamp(const v: TVector4; const aMin, aMax: T): TVector4;
result[0] := ClampVal(v[0], aMin, aMax);
result[1] := ClampVal(v[1], aMin, aMax);
result[2] := ClampVal(v[2], aMin, aMax);

