@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ type |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
TglBitmapFormat = ( |
tfEmpty = 0, |
tfEmpty = 0, //must be smallest value! |
tfAlpha4, |
tfAlpha8, |
@@ -1609,8 +1609,6 @@ end; |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
function FormatGetSupportedFiles(const aFormat: TglBitmapFormat): TglBitmapFileTypes; |
begin |
result := [ftDDS]; |
if (aFormat in [ |
//4 bbp |
tfLuminance4, |
@@ -1646,9 +1644,29 @@ begin |
tfRGB10A2, tfRGBA8, tfBGR10A2, tfBGRA8]) then |
result := result + [ftTGA]; |
//TODO Supported File Formats! |
if (aFormat in [ |
//8 bpp |
tfAlpha8, tfLuminance8, tfLuminance4Alpha4, tfLuminance6Alpha2, |
tfR3G3B2, tfRGBA2, tfBGRA2, |
//16 bpp |
tfAlpha16, tfLuminance16, tfLuminance8Alpha8, tfLuminance12Alpha4, |
tfRGB4, tfR5G6B5, tfRGB5, tfRGBA4, tfRGB5A1, |
tfBGR4, tfB5G6R5, tfBGR5, tfBGRA4, tfBGR5A1, |
(* |
//24 bpp |
tfRGB8, tfBGR8, |
//32 bbp |
tfLuminance16Alpha16, |
tfRGBA8, tfRGB10A2, |
tfBGRA8, tfBGR10A2, |
//compressed |
tfS3tcDtx1RGBA, tfS3tcDtx3RGBA, tfS3tcDtx5RGBA]) then |
result := result + [ftDDS]; |
(* TODO |
if aFormat in [ |
tfAlpha4, tfAlpha8, tfAlpha12, tfAlpha16, |
@@ -6974,7 +6992,7 @@ end; |
//DDS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
const |
DDS_MAGIC = $20534444; |
DDS_MAGIC: Cardinal = $20534444; |
// DDS_header.dwFlags |
DDSD_CAPS = $00000001; |
@@ -6988,6 +7006,7 @@ const |
// DDS_header.sPixelFormat.dwFlags |
DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS = $00000001; |
DDPF_ALPHA = $00000002; |
DDPF_FOURCC = $00000004; |
DDPF_INDEXED = $00000020; |
DDPF_RGB = $00000040; |
@@ -7032,7 +7051,6 @@ type |
end; |
TDDSHeader = packed record |
dwMagic: Cardinal; |
dwSize: Cardinal; |
dwFlags: Cardinal; |
dwHeight: Cardinal; |
@@ -7050,8 +7068,14 @@ type |
function TglBitmap.LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; |
var |
Header: TDDSHeader; |
Converter: TbmpBitfieldFormat; |
function GetDDSFormat: TglBitmapFormat; |
var |
fd: TFormatDescriptor; |
i: Integer; |
Range: TglBitmapColorRec; |
match: Boolean; |
begin |
result := tfEmpty; |
with Header.PixelFormat do begin |
@@ -7062,66 +7086,79 @@ var |
D3DFMT_DXT3: result := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA; |
D3DFMT_DXT5: result := tfS3tcDtx5RGBA; |
end; |
end else |
// RGB |
if (dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0 then begin |
case dwRGBBitCount of |
8: begin |
if ((dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) > 0) then |
result := tfAlpha8 |
else if ((dwFlags and DDPF_LUMINANCE) > 0) then |
result := tfLuminance8; |
end; |
16: begin |
if ((dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) > 0) then begin |
case CountSetBits(dwRBitMask) of |
5: result := tfRGB5A1; |
4: result := tfRGBA4; |
else |
result := tfLuminance8Alpha8; |
end; |
end else if (CountSetBits(dwGBitMask) = 6) then |
result := tfR5G6B5 |
else |
result := tfRGB5; |
end; |
end else if ((Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0) then begin |
//find matching format |
for result := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin |
fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(result); |
if fd.MaskMatch(dwRBitMask, dwGBitMask, dwBBitMask, dwABitMask) and |
(8 * fd.PixelSize = dwRGBBitCount) then |
exit; |
end; |
24: begin |
result := tfRGB8; |
end; |
//find format with same Range |
Range.r := dwRBitMask; |
Range.g := dwGBitMask; |
Range.b := dwBBitMask; |
Range.a := dwABitMask; |
for i := 0 to 3 do begin |
while ((Range.arr[i] and 1) = 0) and (Range.arr[i] > 0) do |
Range.arr[i] := Range.arr[i] shr 1; |
end; |
for result := High(TglBitmapFormat) downto Low(TglBitmapFormat) do begin |
fd := TFormatDescriptor.Get(result); |
match := true; |
for i := 0 to 3 do |
if (fd.Range.arr[i] <> Range.arr[i]) then begin |
match := false; |
break; |
end; |
if match then |
break; |
end; |
32: begin |
if CountSetBits(dwRBitMask) = 10 then |
result := tfRGB10A2 |
else |
result := tfRGBA8; |
end; |
//no format with same range found -> use default |
if (result = tfEmpty) then begin |
if (dwABitMask > 0) then |
result := tfBGRA8 |
else |
result := tfBGR8; |
end; |
if (dwRBitMask <> 0) and (dwBBitMask <> 0) and (dwRBitMask > dwBBitMask) then |
result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(result).RGBInverted; |
Converter := TbmpBitfieldFormat.Create; |
Converter.RedMask := dwRBitMask; |
Converter.GreenMask := dwGBitMask; |
Converter.BlueMask := dwBBitMask; |
Converter.AlphaMask := dwABitMask; |
Converter.PixelSize := dwRGBBitCount / 8; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var |
StreamPos: Int64; |
Y, LineSize: Cardinal; |
RowSize: Cardinal; |
NewImage, TmpData: PByte; |
x, y, j, LineSize, RowSize, Magic: Cardinal; |
NewImage, TmpData, RowData, SrcData: PByte; |
SourceMD, DestMD: Pointer; |
Pixel: TglBitmapPixelData; |
ddsFormat: TglBitmapFormat; |
FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor; |
begin |
result := false; |
// Header |
result := false; |
Converter := nil; |
StreamPos := aStream.Position; |
aStream.Read(Header, sizeof(Header)); |
if (Header.dwMagic <> DDS_MAGIC) or (Header.dwSize <> 124) or |
// Magic |
aStream.Read(Magic, sizeof(Magic)); |
if (Magic <> DDS_MAGIC) then begin |
aStream.Position := StreamPos; |
exit; |
end; |
//Header |
aStream.Read(Header, sizeof(Header)); |
if (Header.dwSize <> SizeOf(Header)) or |
begin |
@@ -7133,39 +7170,74 @@ begin |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - CubeMaps are not supported'); |
ddsFormat := GetDDSFormat; |
if (ddsFormat = tfEmpty) then |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.'); |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(ddsFormat); |
LineSize := Trunc(Header.dwWidth * FormatDesc.PixelSize); |
GetMem(NewImage, Header.dwHeight * LineSize); |
try |
TmpData := NewImage; |
// Compressed |
if ((Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin |
RowSize := Header.dwPitchOrLinearSize div Header.dwWidth; |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin |
aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize); |
Inc(TmpData, LineSize); |
end; |
end else |
// Uncompressed |
if (Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0 then begin |
RowSize := (Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount * Header.dwWidth) shr 3; |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin |
aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize); |
Inc(TmpData, LineSize); |
end; |
end else |
if (ddsFormat = tfEmpty) then |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.'); |
SetDataPointer(NewImage, ddsFormat, Header.dwWidth, Header.dwHeight); |
result := true; |
except |
FreeMem(NewImage); |
raise; |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(ddsFormat); |
LineSize := Trunc(Header.dwWidth * FormatDesc.PixelSize); |
GetMem(NewImage, Header.dwHeight * LineSize); |
try |
TmpData := NewImage; |
//Converter needed |
if Assigned(Converter) then begin |
RowSize := Round(Header.dwWidth * Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8); |
GetMem(RowData, RowSize); |
SourceMD := Converter.CreateMappingData; |
DestMD := FormatDesc.CreateMappingData; |
try |
for y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin |
TmpData := NewImage + y * LineSize; |
SrcData := RowData; |
aStream.Read(SrcData^, RowSize); |
for x := 0 to Header.dwWidth-1 do begin |
Converter.Unmap(SrcData, Pixel, SourceMD); |
//TODO use converter function |
for j := 0 to 3 do |
if (Converter.Range.arr[j] <> FormatDesc.Range.arr[j]) then begin |
if (Converter.Range.arr[j] > 0) then |
Pixel.Data.arr[j] := Round(Pixel.Data.arr[j] / Converter.Range.arr[j] * FormatDesc.Range.arr[j]) |
else |
Pixel.Data.arr[j] := 0; |
end; |
FormatDesc.Map(Pixel, TmpData, DestMD); |
end; |
end; |
finally |
Converter.FreeMappingData(SourceMD); |
FormatDesc.FreeMappingData(DestMD); |
FreeMem(RowData); |
end; |
end else |
// Compressed |
if ((Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin |
RowSize := Header.dwPitchOrLinearSize div Header.dwWidth; |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin |
aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize); |
Inc(TmpData, LineSize); |
end; |
end else |
// Uncompressed |
if (Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0 then begin |
RowSize := (Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount * Header.dwWidth) shr 3; |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin |
aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize); |
Inc(TmpData, LineSize); |
end; |
end else |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.'); |
SetDataPointer(NewImage, ddsFormat, Header.dwWidth, Header.dwHeight); |
result := true; |
except |
FreeMem(NewImage); |
raise; |
end; |
finally |
FreeAndNil(Converter); |
end; |
end; |
@@ -7173,55 +7245,55 @@ end; |
procedure TglBitmap.SaveDDS(const aStream: TStream); |
var |
Header: TDDSHeader; |
Pix: TglBitmapPixelData; |
FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor; |
begin |
//if not FormatIsUncompressed(InternalFormat) then |
// raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormatFormat.Create('SaveDDS - ' + UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT); |
if not (ftDDS in FormatGetSupportedFiles(Format)) then |
raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormatFormat.Create('SaveDDS - ' + UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT); |
(* TODO if Format = tfAlpha8 then |
FORMAT_DESCRIPTORS[tfLuminance8].PreparePixel(Pix); |
else *) |
TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format).PreparePixel(Pix); |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format); |
// Generell |
FillChar(Header, SizeOf(Header), 0); |
Header.dwMagic := DDS_MAGIC; |
Header.dwSize := 124; |
if Width > 0 then begin |
Header.dwWidth := Width; |
Header.dwFlags := Header.dwFlags or DDSD_WIDTH; |
end; |
if Height > 0 then begin |
Header.dwHeight := Height; |
Header.dwFlags := Header.dwFlags or DDSD_HEIGHT; |
end; |
Header.dwSize := SizeOf(Header); |
Header.dwPitchOrLinearSize := fRowSize; |
Header.dwMipMapCount := 1; |
Header.dwWidth := Max(1, Width); |
Header.dwHeight := Max(1, Height); |
// Caps |
Header.Caps.dwCaps1 := DDSCAPS_TEXTURE; |
// Pixelformat |
Header.PixelFormat.dwSize := Sizeof(Header.PixelFormat); |
Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := DDPF_RGB; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwSize := sizeof(Header); |
if (FormatDesc.IsCompressed) then begin |
Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_FOURCC; |
case Format of |
tfS3tcDtx1RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT1; |
tfS3tcDtx3RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT3; |
tfS3tcDtx5RGBA: Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC := D3DFMT_DXT5; |
end; |
end else if (Format in [tfAlpha8, tfAlpha16]) then begin |
Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_ALPHA; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := Round(FormatDesc.PixelSize * 8); |
Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.AlphaMask; |
end else if (FormatDesc.RedMask = FormatDesc.GreenMask) and (FormatDesc.GreenMask = FormatDesc.BlueMask) then begin |
Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_LUMINANCE; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := Round(FormatDesc.PixelSize * 8); |
Header.PixelFormat.dwRBitMask := FormatDesc.RedMask; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.AlphaMask; |
end else begin |
Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_RGB; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := Round(FormatDesc.PixelSize * 8); |
Header.PixelFormat.dwRBitMask := FormatDesc.RedMask; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwGBitMask := FormatDesc.GreenMask; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwBBitMask := FormatDesc.BlueMask; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.AlphaMask; |
end; |
(* TODO tfAlpha8 |
if FORMAT_DESCRIPTORS[Format].HasAlpha and (Format <> tfAlpha8) then |
if (FormatDesc.HasAlpha) then |
Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags := Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS; |
*) |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format); |
Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount := Trunc(FormatDesc.PixelSize * 8); |
Header.PixelFormat.dwRBitMask := FormatDesc.RedMask; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwGBitMask := FormatDesc.GreenMask; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwBBitMask := FormatDesc.BlueMask; |
Header.PixelFormat.dwABitMask := FormatDesc.AlphaMask; |
aStream.Write(DDS_MAGIC, sizeof(DDS_MAGIC)); |
aStream.Write(Header, SizeOf(Header)); |
aStream.Write(Data^, FormatDesc.GetSize(Dimension)); |
end; |