unit uglcContextWGL; { Package: OpenGLCore Prefix: glc - OpenGL Core Beschreibung: diese Unit enthält eine Klassen-Kapselung für OpenGL Kontexte für Windows Hint: diese Unit sollte niemals direkt genutzt werden (siehe uglcContext) } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Windows, uglcContext, dglOpenGL, Controls; type EWGLError = class(EGLError); { TglcContextWGL } TglcContextWGL = class(TglcContext) private FDC: HDC; FRC: HGLRC; fHandle: THandle; fPixelFormat: Integer; {%H-}constructor Create(const aControl: TWinControl); protected procedure UpdatePixelFormat; procedure OpenContext; override; function FindPixelFormat: Integer; function FindPixelFormatNoAA: Integer; procedure OpenFromPF(PixelFormat: Integer); public constructor Create(const aControl: TWinControl; const aPixelFormatSettings: TglcContextPixelFormatSettings); override; overload; constructor Create(const aControl: TWinControl; const aPixelFormatSettings: TglcContextPixelFormatSettings; const aVersionSettings: TglcContextVersionSettings); override; overload; procedure CloseContext; override; procedure Activate; override; procedure Deactivate; override; function IsActive: boolean; override; procedure SwapBuffers; override; procedure SetSwapInterval(const aInterval: GLint); override; function GetSwapInterval: GLint; override; procedure Share(const aContext: TglcContext); override; class function ChangeDisplaySettings(const aWidth, aHeight, aBitPerPixel, aFreq: Integer; const aFlags: TglcDisplayFlags): Boolean; override; class function IsAnyContextActive: boolean; override; end; implementation { TglcContextWGL } constructor TglcContextWGL.Create(const aControl: TWinControl); begin inherited Create(aControl, MakePF()); fHandle := aControl.Handle; end; procedure TglcContextWGL.UpdatePixelFormat; begin fPixelFormat := FindPixelFormat; if (fPixelFormat = 0) then begin // try without MS fPixelFormatSettings.MultiSampling := 1; fPixelFormat := FindPixelFormat; end; end; procedure TglcContextWGL.OpenContext; begin inherited OpenContext; OpenFromPF(fPixelFormat); end; function TglcContextWGL.FindPixelFormat: Integer; var OldRC: HGLRC; OldDC: HDC; tmpWnd: TForm; tmpContext: TglcContextWGL; pf, i, max: integer; Count: GLuint; PFList, SampleList: array[0..31] of GLint; procedure ChoosePF(pPFList, pSampleList: PGLint; MaxCount: integer); var //ARB_Erweiterung vorhanden //| EXT_Erweiterung vorhanden MultiARBSup, MultiEXTSup: Boolean; //Liste der Integer Attribute IAttrib: array[0..22] of GLint; //Liste der Float Attribute (nur 0, da kein Wert) FAttrib: GLFloat; QueryAtrib, i: Integer; PPosiblePF, PSample: PglInt; begin //Pixelformate mit AA auslesen MultiARBSup := false; MultiEXTSup := false; if WGL_ARB_extensions_string and WGL_ARB_pixel_format and (WGL_ARB_MULTISAMPLE or GL_ARB_MULTISAMPLE) then multiARBSup := true; if WGL_EXT_extensions_string and WGL_EXT_pixel_format and (WGL_EXT_MULTISAMPLE or GL_EXT_MULTISAMPLE) then multiEXTSup := true; if multiARBSup then Read_WGL_ARB_pixel_format else if multiEXTSup then Read_WGL_EXT_pixel_format; if not (MultiARBSup or MultiEXTSup) then exit; IAttrib[00] := WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB; IAttrib[01] := 1; IAttrib[02] := WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB; IAttrib[03] := 1; IAttrib[04] := WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB; if (fPixelFormatSettings.DoubleBuffered) then IAttrib[05] := 1 else IAttrib[05] := 0; IAttrib[06] := WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB; IAttrib[07] := WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB; IAttrib[08] := WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB; IAttrib[09] := fPixelFormatSettings.ColorBits; IAttrib[10] := WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB; IAttrib[11] := 0; //TODO: fPixelFormatSettings.AlphaBits; IAttrib[12] := WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB; IAttrib[13] := fPixelFormatSettings.DepthBits; IAttrib[14] := WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB; IAttrib[15] := fPixelFormatSettings.StencilBits; IAttrib[16] := WGL_ACCUM_BITS_ARB; IAttrib[17] := fPixelFormatSettings.AccumBits; IAttrib[18] := WGL_AUX_BUFFERS_ARB; IAttrib[19] := fPixelFormatSettings.AuxBuffers; IAttrib[20] := WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB; IAttrib[21] := 1; IAttrib[22] := 0; FAttrib := 0; if multiARBSup then wglChoosePixelFormatARB(tmpContext.FDC, @IAttrib[0], @FAttrib, MaxCount, pPFList, @Count) else if multiEXTSup then wglChoosePixelFormatEXT(tmpContext.FDC, @IAttrib[0], @FAttrib, MaxCount, pPFList, @Count); if Count > length(PFList) then Count := length(PFList); QueryAtrib := WGL_SAMPLES_ARB; PSample := pSampleList; PPosiblePF := @PFList[0]; for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin if multiARBSup then wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB(tmpContext.FDC, PPosiblePF^, 0, 1, @QueryAtrib, PSample) else if multiEXTSup then wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT(tmpContext.FDC, PPosiblePF^, 0, 1, @QueryAtrib, PSample); inc(PSample); inc(PPosiblePF); end; end; begin if (fPixelFormatSettings.MultiSampling = 1) then begin Result := FindPixelFormatNoAA; exit; end; Result := 0; OldDC := wglGetCurrentDC(); OldRC := wglGetCurrentContext(); try tmpWnd := TForm.Create(nil); tmpContext := TglcContextWGL.Create(tmpWnd); try pf := tmpContext.FindPixelFormatNoAA; tmpContext.OpenFromPF(pf); tmpContext.Activate; FillChar({%H-}PFList[0], Length(PFList), 0); FillChar({%H-}SampleList[0], Length(SampleList), 0); ChoosePF(@PFList[0], @SampleList[0], length(SampleList)); max := 0; for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin if (max < SampleList[i]) and (SampleList[i] <= fPixelFormatSettings.MultiSampling) and (PFList[i] <> 0) then begin max := SampleList[i]; result := PFList[i]; if (max = fPixelFormatSettings.MultiSampling) then break; end; end; tmpContext.Deactivate; finally FreeAndNil(tmpContext); FreeAndNil(tmpWnd); end; finally if (OldDC <> 0) and (OldRC <> 0) then ActivateRenderingContext(OldDC, OldRC); end; end; function TglcContextWGL.FindPixelFormatNoAA: Integer; const MemoryDCs = [OBJ_MEMDC, OBJ_METADC, OBJ_ENHMETADC]; var //DeviceContext DC: HDC; //Objekttyp des DCs AType: DWord; //Beschreibung zum passenden Pixelformat PFDescriptor: TPixelFormatDescriptor; begin result := 0; DC := GetDC(fHandle); if DC = 0 then begin exit; end; FillChar(PFDescriptor{%H-}, SizeOf(PFDescriptor), #0); with PFDescriptor do begin nSize := SizeOf(PFDescriptor); nVersion := 1; dwFlags := PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL; AType := GetObjectType(DC); if AType = 0 then begin exit; end; if fPixelFormatSettings.DoubleBuffered then dwFlags := dwFlags or PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; if fPixelFormatSettings.Stereo then dwFlags := dwFlags or PFD_STEREO; if AType in MemoryDCs then dwFlags := dwFlags or PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP else dwFlags := dwFlags or PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW; iPixelType := PFD_TYPE_RGBA; cColorBits := fPixelFormatSettings.ColorBits; //TODO: cAlphaBits := fPixelFormatSettings.AlphaBits; cDepthBits := fPixelFormatSettings.DepthBits; cStencilBits := fPixelFormatSettings.StencilBits; cAccumBits := fPixelFormatSettings.AccumBits; cAuxBuffers := fPixelFormatSettings.AuxBuffers; if fPixelFormatSettings.Layer = 0 then iLayerType := PFD_MAIN_PLANE else if fPixelFormatSettings.Layer > 0 then iLayerType := PFD_OVERLAY_PLANE else iLayerType := Byte(PFD_UNDERLAY_PLANE); end; result := ChoosePixelFormat(DC, @PFDescriptor); end; procedure TglcContextWGL.OpenFromPF(PixelFormat: Integer); var tmpRC: HGLRC; Attribs: array of GLint; CreateContextAttribs: TwglCreateContextAttribsARB; begin if PixelFormat = 0 then begin raise EWGLError.Create('Invalid PixelFormat'); end; FDC := GetDC(fHandle); if FDC = 0 then begin raise EWGLError.CreateFmt('Cannot create DC on %x',[fHandle]); end; if not SetPixelFormat(FDC, PixelFormat, nil) then begin ReleaseDC(fHandle, FDC); raise EWGLError.CreateFmt('Cannot set PF %d on Control %x DC %d',[PixelFormat, fHandle, FDC]); end; tmpRC := wglCreateContext(FDC); if tmpRC = 0 then begin ReleaseDC(fHandle, FDC); raise EWGLError.CreateFmt('Cannot create context on Control %x DC %d',[PixelFormat, fHandle, FDC]); end; if fUseVersion and (fVersionSettings.Major <> GLC_CONTEXT_VERSION_UNKNOWN) and (fVersionSettings.Minor <> GLC_CONTEXT_VERSION_UNKNOWN) then begin { Code from dglOpenGL.pas (modified) } wglMakeCurrent(FDC, tmpRC); // Set attributes to describe our requested context SetLength(Attribs, 5); Attribs[0] := WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB; Attribs[1] := fVersionSettings.Major; Attribs[2] := WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB; Attribs[3] := fVersionSettings.Minor; // Add context flag for forward compatible context // Forward compatible means no more support for legacy functions like // immediate mode (glvertex, glrotate, gltranslate, etc.) if fVersionSettings.ForwardCompatible then begin SetLength(Attribs, Length(Attribs)+2); Attribs[4] := WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB; Attribs[5] := WGL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB; end; // Attribute flags must be finalized with a zero Attribs[High(Attribs)] := 0; // Get function pointer for new context creation function CreateContextAttribs := TwglCreateContextAttribsARB(wglGetProcAddress('wglCreateContextAttribsARB')); if not Assigned(CreateContextAttribs) then begin wglMakeCurrent(0, 0); wglDeleteContext(tmpRC); ReleaseDC(fHandle, FDC); raise Exception.Create('Could not get function pointer adress for wglCreateContextAttribsARB - OpenGL 3.x and above not supported!'); end; // Create context FRC := CreateContextAttribs(FDC, 0, @Attribs[0]); if (FRC = 0) then begin wglMakeCurrent(0, 0); wglDeleteContext(tmpRC); ReleaseDC(fHandle, FDC); raise Exception.Create('Could not create the desired OpenGL rendering context!'); end; wglMakeCurrent(0, 0); wglDeleteContext(tmpRC); end else FRC := tmpRC; end; constructor TglcContextWGL.Create(const aControl: TWinControl; const aPixelFormatSettings: TglcContextPixelFormatSettings); begin inherited Create(aControl, aPixelFormatSettings); fHandle := aControl.Handle; UpdatePixelFormat; end; constructor TglcContextWGL.Create(const aControl: TWinControl; const aPixelFormatSettings: TglcContextPixelFormatSettings; const aVersionSettings: TglcContextVersionSettings); begin inherited Create(aControl, aPixelFormatSettings, aVersionSettings); fHandle := aControl.Handle; UpdatePixelFormat; end; procedure TglcContextWGL.CloseContext; begin if (FRC <> 0) then begin Deactivate; DestroyRenderingContext(FRC); ReleaseDC(fHandle, FDC); FRC := 0; FDC := 0; end; end; procedure TglcContextWGL.Activate; begin ActivateRenderingContext(FDC, FRC); end; procedure TglcContextWGL.Deactivate; begin if wglGetCurrentContext()=FRC then DeactivateRenderingContext; end; function TglcContextWGL.IsActive: boolean; begin Result:= (FRC <> 0) and (FRC = wglGetCurrentContext()) and (FDC = wglGetCurrentDC()); end; procedure TglcContextWGL.SwapBuffers; begin Windows.SwapBuffers(FDC); end; procedure TglcContextWGL.SetSwapInterval(const aInterval: GLint); begin wglSwapIntervalEXT(aInterval); end; function TglcContextWGL.GetSwapInterval: GLint; begin result := wglGetSwapIntervalEXT(); end; procedure TglcContextWGL.Share(const aContext: TglcContext); begin wglShareLists(FRC, (aContext as TglcContextWGL).FRC); end; class function TglcContextWGL.ChangeDisplaySettings(const aWidth, aHeight, aBitPerPixel, aFreq: Integer; const aFlags: TglcDisplayFlags): Boolean; var dm: TDeviceMode; flags: Cardinal; begin FillChar(dm{%H-}, SizeOf(dm), 0); with dm do begin dmSize := SizeOf(dm); dmPelsWidth := aWidth; dmPelsHeight := aHeight; dmDisplayFrequency := aFreq; dmBitsPerPel := aBitPerPixel; dmFields := DM_PELSWIDTH or DM_PELSHEIGHT or DM_BITSPERPEL or DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; end; flags := 0; //CDS_TEST; if (dfFullscreen in aFlags) then flags := flags or CDS_FULLSCREEN; result := (Windows.ChangeDisplaySettings(dm, flags) = DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL); end; class function TglcContextWGL.IsAnyContextActive: boolean; begin Result:= (wglGetCurrentContext()<>0) and (wglGetCurrentDC()<>0); end; end.