@@ -645,7 +645,11 @@ type |
tfDepth16, |
tfDepth24, |
tfDepth32 |
tfDepth32, |
tfS3tcDtx1RGBA, |
tfS3tcDtx3RGBA, |
tfS3tcDtx5RGBA |
); |
TglBitmapFileType = ( |
@@ -1054,7 +1058,9 @@ type |
fWithAlpha: TglBitmapFormat; |
fWithoutAlpha: TglBitmapFormat; |
fRGBInverted: TglBitmapFormat; |
fUncompressed: TglBitmapFormat; |
fPixelSize: Single; |
fIsCompressed: Boolean; |
fRange: TglBitmapColorRec; |
fShift: TShiftRec; |
@@ -1071,6 +1077,7 @@ type |
property RGBInverted: TglBitmapFormat read fRGBInverted; |
property Components: Integer read GetComponents; |
property PixelSize: Single read fPixelSize; |
property IsCompressed: Boolean read fIsCompressed; |
property glFormat: Cardinal read fglFormat; |
property glInternalFormat: Cardinal read fglInternalFormat; |
@@ -1413,6 +1420,24 @@ type |
constructor Create; override; |
end; |
TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor) |
procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override; |
procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override; |
constructor Create; override; |
end; |
TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor) |
procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override; |
procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override; |
constructor Create; override; |
end; |
TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA = class(TFormatDescriptor) |
procedure Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); override; |
procedure Unmap(var aData: PByte; var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); override; |
constructor Create; override; |
end; |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
TbmpBitfieldFormat = class(TFormatDescriptor) |
private |
@@ -1526,7 +1551,11 @@ const |
TfdDepth16, |
TfdDepth24, |
TfdDepth32 |
TfdDepth32, |
TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA, |
TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA, |
TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA |
); |
var |
@@ -2236,7 +2265,9 @@ begin |
fWithAlpha := tfEmpty; |
fWithoutAlpha := tfEmpty; |
fRGBInverted := tfEmpty; |
fUncompressed := tfEmpty; |
fPixelSize := 0.0; |
fIsCompressed := false; |
fglFormat := 0; |
fglInternalFormat := 0; |
@@ -3400,6 +3431,84 @@ begin |
fglInternalFormat := GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32; |
end; |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); |
begin |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported'); |
end; |
procedure TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); |
begin |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported'); |
end; |
constructor TfdS3tcDtx1RGBA.Create; |
begin |
inherited Create; |
fFormat := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA; |
fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA; |
fUncompressed := tfRGB5A1; |
fPixelSize := 0.5; |
fIsCompressed := true; |
fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA; |
fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT; |
fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; |
end; |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); |
begin |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported'); |
end; |
procedure TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); |
begin |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported'); |
end; |
constructor TfdS3tcDtx3RGBA.Create; |
begin |
inherited Create; |
fFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA; |
fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA; |
fUncompressed := tfRGBA8; |
fPixelSize := 1.0; |
fIsCompressed := true; |
fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA; |
fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT; |
fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; |
end; |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.Map(const aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aData: PByte; var aMapData: Pointer); |
begin |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported'); |
end; |
procedure TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.Unmap(var aData: PByte; var aPixel: TglBitmapPixelData; var aMapData: Pointer); |
begin |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('mapping for compressed formats is not supported'); |
end; |
constructor TfdS3tcDtx5RGBA.Create; |
begin |
inherited Create; |
fFormat := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA; |
fWithAlpha := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA; |
fUncompressed := tfRGBA8; |
fPixelSize := 1.0; |
fIsCompressed := true; |
fglFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA; |
fglInternalFormat := GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT; |
fglDataFormat := GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; |
end; |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//TFormatDescriptor/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
@@ -6882,6 +6991,7 @@ const |
DDPF_FOURCC = $00000004; |
DDPF_INDEXED = $00000020; |
DDPF_RGB = $00000040; |
DDPF_LUMINANCE = $00020000; |
// DDS_header.sCaps.dwCaps1 |
DDSCAPS_COMPLEX = $00000008; |
@@ -6940,84 +7050,70 @@ type |
function TglBitmap.LoadDDS(const aStream: TStream): Boolean; |
var |
Header: TDDSHeader; |
StreamPos: Int64; |
Y, LineSize: Cardinal; |
RowSize: Cardinal; |
NewImage, pData: pByte; |
ddsFormat: TglBitmapFormat; |
function RaiseEx : Exception; |
begin |
result := EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.'); |
end; |
function GetDDSFormat: TglBitmapFormat; |
begin |
result := tfEmpty; |
with Header.PixelFormat do begin |
// Compresses |
if (dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0 then begin |
(* TODO |
if ((dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin |
case Header.PixelFormat.dwFourCC of |
D3DFMT_DXT1: result := ifDXT1; |
D3DFMT_DXT3: result := ifDXT3; |
D3DFMT_DXT5: result := ifDXT5; |
else |
raise RaiseEx; |
D3DFMT_DXT1: result := tfS3tcDtx1RGBA; |
D3DFMT_DXT3: result := tfS3tcDtx3RGBA; |
D3DFMT_DXT5: result := tfS3tcDtx5RGBA; |
end; |
*) |
raise RaiseEx; |
end else |
// RGB |
if (dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS)) > 0 then begin |
if (dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0 then begin |
case dwRGBBitCount of |
8: begin |
(* TODO if dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS > 0 then |
result := tfAlpha |
else |
*) |
if ((dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) > 0) then |
result := tfAlpha8 |
else if ((dwFlags and DDPF_LUMINANCE) > 0) then |
result := tfLuminance8; |
end; |
16: begin |
if dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS > 0 then begin |
// Alpha |
if ((dwFlags and DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) > 0) then begin |
case CountSetBits(dwRBitMask) of |
5: result := tfRGB5A1; |
//TODO 4: result := tfRGBA4; |
4: result := tfRGBA4; |
else |
result := tfLuminance8Alpha8; |
end; |
end else begin |
// no Alpha |
//TODO result := ifR5G6B5; |
raise RaiseEx; |
end; |
end else if (CountSetBits(dwGBitMask) = 6) then |
result := tfR5G6B5 |
else |
result := tfRGB5; |
end; |
24: begin |
if dwRBitMask > dwBBitMask then |
result := tfBGR8 |
else |
result := tfRGB8; |
result := tfRGB8; |
end; |
32: begin |
if CountSetBits(dwRBitMask) = 10 then |
//TODO result := tfRGB10A2 |
raise RaiseEx |
else |
if dwRBitMask > dwBBitMask then |
result := tfBGRA8 |
32: begin |
if CountSetBits(dwRBitMask) = 10 then |
result := tfRGB10A2 |
else |
result := tfRGBA8; |
end; |
else |
raise RaiseEx; |
end; |
end else |
raise RaiseEx; |
if (dwRBitMask <> 0) and (dwBBitMask <> 0) and (dwRBitMask > dwBBitMask) then |
result := TFormatDescriptor.Get(result).RGBInverted; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var |
StreamPos: Int64; |
Y, LineSize: Cardinal; |
RowSize: Cardinal; |
NewImage, TmpData: PByte; |
ddsFormat: TglBitmapFormat; |
FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor; |
begin |
result := false; |
@@ -7025,37 +7121,45 @@ begin |
StreamPos := aStream.Position; |
aStream.Read(Header, sizeof(Header)); |
if ((Header.dwMagic <> DDS_MAGIC) or (Header.dwSize <> 124) or |
((Header.dwFlags and DDSD_PIXELFORMAT) = 0) or ((Header.dwFlags and DDSD_CAPS) = 0)) then begin |
if (Header.dwMagic <> DDS_MAGIC) or (Header.dwSize <> 124) or |
begin |
aStream.Position := StreamPos; |
exit; |
end; |
if ((Header.Caps.dwCaps1 and DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP) > 0) then |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - CubeMaps are not supported'); |
ddsFormat := GetDDSFormat; |
LineSize := Trunc(Header.dwWidth * TFormatDescriptor.Get(ddsFormat).PixelSize); |
if (ddsFormat = tfEmpty) then |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.'); |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(ddsFormat); |
LineSize := Trunc(Header.dwWidth * FormatDesc.PixelSize); |
GetMem(NewImage, Header.dwHeight * LineSize); |
try |
pData := NewImage; |
TmpData := NewImage; |
// Compressed |
if (Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0 then begin |
if ((Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and DDPF_FOURCC) > 0) then begin |
RowSize := Header.dwPitchOrLinearSize div Header.dwWidth; |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight -1 do begin |
aStream.Read(pData^, RowSize); |
Inc(pData, LineSize); |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin |
aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize); |
Inc(TmpData, LineSize); |
end; |
end else |
// RGB(A) |
if (Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS)) > 0 then begin |
RowSize := Header.dwPitchOrLinearSize; |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight -1 do begin |
aStream.Read(pData^, RowSize); |
Inc(pData, LineSize); |
// Uncompressed |
if (Header.PixelFormat.dwFlags and (DDPF_RGB or DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS or DDPF_LUMINANCE)) > 0 then begin |
RowSize := (Header.PixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount * Header.dwWidth) shr 3; |
for Y := 0 to Header.dwHeight-1 do begin |
aStream.Read(TmpData^, RowSize); |
Inc(TmpData, LineSize); |
end; |
end else |
raise RaiseEx; |
raise EglBitmapException.Create('LoadDDS - unsupported Pixelformat found.'); |
SetDataPointer(NewImage, ddsFormat, Header.dwWidth, Header.dwHeight); |
result := true; |
@@ -7141,8 +7245,7 @@ var |
begin |
inherited SetDataPointer(aData, aFormat, aWidth, aHeight); |
//TODO compression |
if {FormatIsUncompressed(Format)} true then begin |
if not TFormatDescriptor.Get(aFormat).IsCompressed then begin |
(* TODO PixelFuncs |
fGetPixelFunc := GetPixel2DUnmap; |
fSetPixelFunc := SetPixel2DUnmap; |
@@ -7159,9 +7262,8 @@ begin |
end |
else SetLength(fLines, 0); |
end else begin |
(* |
SetLength(fLines, 0); |
(* |
fSetPixelFunc := nil; |
case Format of |
@@ -7185,19 +7287,16 @@ var |
begin |
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); |
(* TODO compression |
if Self.InternalFormat in [ifDXT1, ifDXT3, ifDXT5] then |
glCompressedTexImage2D(Target, 0, InternalFormat, Width, Height, 0, Trunc(Width * Height * FormatGetSize(Self.InternalFormat)), Data) |
else |
*) |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format); |
if aBuildWithGlu then |
if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then begin |
glCompressedTexImage2D(Target, 0, FormatDesc.glInternalFormat, Width, Height, 0, FormatDesc.GetSize(fDimension), Data) |
end else if aBuildWithGlu then begin |
gluBuild2DMipmaps(aTarget, FormatDesc.Components, Width, Height, |
FormatDesc.glFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Data) |
else |
end else begin |
glTexImage2D(aTarget, 0, FormatDesc.glInternalFormat, Width, Height, 0, |
FormatDesc.glFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Data); |
end; |
// Freigeben |
if (FreeDataAfterGenTexture) then |
@@ -7218,15 +7317,13 @@ var |
Size, w, h: Integer; |
FormatDesc: TFormatDescriptor; |
begin |
(* TODO compression |
if not FormatIsUncompressed(Format) then |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format); |
if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then |
raise EglBitmapUnsupportedFormatFormat.Create('TglBitmap2D.GrabScreen - ' + UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT); |
*) |
w := aRight - aLeft; |
h := aBottom - aTop; |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(Format); |
Size := FormatDesc.GetSize(w, h); |
w := aRight - aLeft; |
h := aBottom - aTop; |
Size := FormatDesc.GetSize(w, h); |
GetMem(Temp, Size); |
try |
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); |
@@ -7266,12 +7363,10 @@ begin |
FormatDesc := TFormatDescriptor.Get(IntFormat); |
GetMem(Temp, FormatDesc.GetSize(TempWidth, TempHeight)); |
try |
(* TODO Compression |
if FormatIsCompressed(IntFormat) and (GL_VERSION_1_3 or GL_ARB_texture_compression) then |
if FormatDesc.IsCompressed then |
glGetCompressedTexImage(Target, 0, Temp) |
else |
*) |
glGetTexImage(Target, 0, FormatDesc.glInternalFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Temp); |
glGetTexImage(Target, 0, FormatDesc.glInternalFormat, FormatDesc.glDataFormat, Temp); |
SetDataPointer(Temp, IntFormat, TempWidth, TempHeight); |
except |
FreeMem(Temp); |