70 次程式碼提交 (master)

作者 SHA1 備註 提交日期
  Bergmann89 8690656876 Remove unecessary references 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 a1a30ecf96 Refactored ship movement 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 b3d139a4e7 Striker error handling 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 7f82b5430b Renamed 'MeetingPointOwned' to 'FleetOrbiting' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 8fe07cb550 Fixed 'MeetingPointOwned' component 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 a1c55d712b Implemented ship data depending on ship type and player race 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 ad20e60cde Merged 'Velocity' and 'Ship' component 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 7ec1321114 Use builder to create the different world objects 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 dc2e4e09a8 Renamed 'Owned' to 'PlayerOwned' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 b61ee04fd8 Renamed 'Orbit' to 'MeetingPoint' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 6e3d980a70 Implemented ship tail using trandform feedback buffer 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 ae9f57b993 reduced color vector from 4 elements to 3 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 5ac3940358 Use vertex array and geometry shader to render asteroids 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 c5e70fb728 Use vertex array and geometry shader to render planets 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 e26c7dbfd3 Use vertex array and geometry shader to render ships 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 7697f03369 Improved 'FlaggedStorage' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 0fb546baad Renamed glc 'ArrayBuffer' to 'Buffer' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 42399b6199 Use geomtry shader to render text 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 574b769235 Added system to handle fleet control events 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 d5022fdaaf Renamed 'StateUpdate' to 'InputStateUpdate' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 d719a8cc10 Restricted visibility of components 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 dfb3e4df7c Renamed 'PlayerState' to 'GameState' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 8d7e4dc021 Merged 'Fleet' and 'FleetInfo' and added 'Orbit' component 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 9fb731b856 Implemented ship obstacles 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 5a52cc04c4 Remove unneded system data from ships system 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 0c9124f4e7 Implemented FleetControl system to move ships between planets 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 0119fdaf0b Refactored ship system and fixed small bug in fleet info calculation 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 d58a4ddfe1 Renamed 'SelectFleet' to 'FleetSelect' 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 cf1c473c87 Refactored calculation of positions related to different coordinate systems 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 fa76ebaf6d Added fleet count to debug output 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 57d44a5030 Implemented detailed fleet selection menu 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 264fc63f1e Implemented simple fleet selection menu 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 d8a9b7444b Small improvements 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 f98d2cbed9 Implemented FleetInfo component to count the player controlled ships 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 98b4445769 Implemented camera movement with mouse 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 08813aa636 Implemented astroids 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 b750209346 Implemented fleet component and needed systems 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 9bd2e3f04f Merged 'Player' and 'PlayerVisual' component 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 c9d71a57cf Implemented trait to log erroneous results with different log levels 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 f921990546 Implemented 'Owned' and 'Player' components 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 34794e7a3f Implemented rendering system for ships 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 6ba58cdcd5 Implemented persistance for world 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 3c52c47731 Removed unused Code 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 7d51fee64e Refactored shader code and implemented includes 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 09b6b583bf Implemented render system for planets 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 d05b3e3d0a Split modules into seperate crates 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 754bc502de Implemented configuration resource 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 48a482b78e Display mouse_pos in debug output 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 9263fd7895 Implemented mouse and keyboard events and simple camera movement 3 年之前
  Bergmann89 bfa069e4a7 Improved logging (using log4rs and log config files) 3 年之前