- unit uutlLogger;
- { Package: Utils
- Prefix: utl - UTiLs
- Beschreibung: diese Unit enthält das Logging-Framework
- Anzusprechen über Singleton: utlLogger
- Die einzelnen Level sind über die Methoden Debug(), Info(), Warning(), Error() zugänglich.
- Sender: entweder eigener Text oder TObject-Referenz, dann wird Klassenname und Adresse ausgegeben.
- Log-Zeilen werden nicht weiter behandelt, sondern an Consumer verteilt.
- Es können beliebig viele Consumer per RegisterConsumer für bestimmte Level registriert werden.
- Jeder davon bekommt die Rohdaten eines Logeintrags auf einer beobachteten Stufe.
- Zum einfacheren Ausgeben gibt es eine Hilfsfunktion FormatLine vom Logger.
- Vordefinierte Consumer:
- TutlFileLogger - schreibt in eine Datei
- TutlConsoleLogger - schreibt auf die Konsole (ggf. mit CriticalSection)
- TutlEventLogger - ruft beliebiges Event auf
- }
- {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- interface
- uses
- Classes, SysUtils, uutlGenerics, syncobjs, uutlCommon;
- type
- TutlLogLevel = (llDebug, llInfo, llWarning, llError);
- TutlLogLevels = set of TutlLogLevel;
- const
- utlLogLevel_Any = [low(TutlLogLevel)..high(TutlLogLevel)];
- utlLogLevel_NoDebug = utlLogLevel_Any - [llDebug];
- utlLogLevelStrings: array[TutlLogLevel] of string =
- ('Debug','Info','Warning','Error');
- type
- TutlLogger = class;
- IutlLogConsumer = interface(IUnknown)
- procedure WriteLog(const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime:TDateTime; const aLevel:TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String);
- end;
- TutlLogConsumerList = specialize TutlList<IutlLogConsumer>;
- { TutlLogger }
- TutlLogger = class(TObject)
- private
- fConsumersLock: TCriticalSection;
- fConsumers: array[TutlLogLevel] of TutlLogConsumerList;
- protected
- function FormatSender(const aSender: TObject): String;
- procedure InternalLog(const aLevel:TutlLogLevel; const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure InternalLog(const aLevel:TutlLogLevel; const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- public
- procedure RegisterConsumer(const aConsumer: IutlLogConsumer; const aFilter:TutlLogLevels=utlLogLevel_Any);
- procedure UnRegisterConsumer(const aConsumer: IutlLogConsumer; const aFilter:TutlLogLevels=utlLogLevel_Any);
- class function FormatTime(const aTime:TDateTime): string;
- class function FormatLine(const aTime:TDateTime; const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String): string;
- procedure Debug(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Debug(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Log(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Log(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Warning(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Warning(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Error(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Error(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const); overload;
- procedure Error(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aException: Exception); overload;
- procedure Error(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aException: Exception); overload;
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- { TutlFileLogger }
- TutlFileLoggerMode = (flmCreateNew, flmAppend);
- TutlFileLogger = class(TutlInterfaceNoRefCount, IutlLogConsumer)
- private
- fStream: TFileStream;
- fAutoFlush: Boolean;
- procedure SetAutoFree(aValue: Boolean);
- protected
- procedure WriteLog(const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime: TDateTime; const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String);
- public
- constructor Create(const aFilename: String; const aMode: TutlFileLoggerMode; const aAutoFree: Boolean = false);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Flush(); overload;
- published
- property AutoFlush: Boolean read fAutoFlush write fAutoFlush;
- end;
- { TutlConsoleLogger }
- TutlConsoleLogger = class(TutlInterfaceNoRefCount, IutlLogConsumer)
- private
- fFreeConsoleCS: boolean;
- fConsoleCS: TCriticalSection;
- fOnBeforeLog: TNotifyEvent;
- fOnAfterLog: TNotifyEvent;
- protected
- procedure WriteLog(const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime: TDateTime; const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String); virtual;
- public
- property ConsoleCS: TCriticalSection read fConsoleCS;
- property OnBeforeLog: TNotifyEvent read fOnBeforeLog write fOnBeforeLog;
- property OnAfterLog: TNotifyEvent read fOnAfterLog write fOnAfterLog;
- constructor Create(const aSection: TCriticalSection = nil);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- { TutlEventLogger }
- TutlWriteLogEvent = procedure (const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime: TDateTime; const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String) of object;
- TutlEventLogger = class(TutlInterfaceNoRefCount, IutlLogConsumer)
- private
- fWriteLogEvt: TutlWriteLogEvent;
- protected
- procedure WriteLog(const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime: TDateTime; const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String);
- public
- constructor Create(const aEvent: TutlWriteLogEvent);
- end;
- function utlLogger: TutlLogger;
- function utlCreateStackTrace(const aMessage: String; const aException: Exception): String;
- implementation
- var
- utlLogger_Singleton: TutlLogger;
- function utlLogger: TutlLogger;
- begin
- if not Assigned(utlLogger_Singleton) then
- utlLogger_Singleton:= TutlLogger.Create;
- Result:= utlLogger_Singleton;
- end;
- function utlCreateStackTrace(const aMessage: String; const aException: Exception): String;
- var
- i: Integer;
- frames: PPointer;
- begin
- result := aMessage;
- if Assigned(aException) then
- result := result + sLineBreak +
- ' Exception: ' + aException.ClassName + sLineBreak +
- ' Message: ' + aException.Message + sLineBreak +
- ' Thread: ' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadId) + sLineBreak +
- ' StackTrace:' + sLineBreak +
- ' ' + BackTraceStrFunc(ExceptAddr)
- else
- result := result + 'no Exception passed';
- frames := ExceptFrames;
- for i := 0 to ExceptFrameCount-1 do
- result := result + sLineBreak + ' ' + BackTraceStrFunc(frames[i]);
- end;
- { TutlFileLogger }
- function FileFlush(Handle: THandle): Boolean;
- begin
- Result:= FlushFileBuffers(Handle);
- {$ELSE}
- Result:= (fpfsync(Handle) = 0);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TutlFileLogger.SetAutoFree(aValue: Boolean);
- begin
- if fAutoFree = aValue then
- Exit;
- fAutoFree := aValue;
- if (fRefCount <= 0) and fAutoFree then
- Free;
- end;
- procedure TutlFileLogger.WriteLog(const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime: TDateTime;
- const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String);
- var
- buf: AnsiString;
- begin
- if Assigned(fStream) then begin
- buf:= aLogger.FormatLine(aTime, aLevel, aSender, aMessage)+sLineBreak;
- fStream.Write(buf[1], Length(buf));
- if AutoFlush then
- FileFlush(fStream.Handle);
- end;
- end;
- constructor TutlFileLogger.Create(const aFilename: String; const aMode: TutlFileLoggerMode; const aAutoFree: Boolean = false);
- const
- RIGHTS: Cardinal = {$IFNDEF UNIX}fmShareDenyWrite{$ELSE}%0100100100 {-r--r--r--}{$ENDIF};
- begin
- try
- if (aMode = flmCreateNew) or not FileExists(aFilename) then begin
- if FileExists(aFilename) then
- DeleteFile(aFilename);
- fStream := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmCreate{$IFNDEF UNIX} or RIGHTS{$ENDIF}, RIGHTS)
- end else
- fStream := TFileStream.Create(aFilename, fmOpenReadWrite{$IFNDEF UNIX} or RIGHTS{$ENDIF}, RIGHTS);
- fStream.Position := fStream.Size;
- except
- on e: EStreamError do begin
- fStream:= nil;
- utlLogger.Error('Logger', 'Could not open log file "%s"',[aFilename]);
- end else
- raise;
- end;
- AutoFlush := true;
- fAutoFree := aAutoFree;
- end;
- destructor TutlFileLogger.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(fStream);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TutlFileLogger.Flush;
- begin
- if Assigned(fStream) then
- FileFlush(fStream.Handle);
- end;
- { TutlConsoleLogger }
- procedure TutlConsoleLogger.WriteLog(const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime: TDateTime;
- const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String);
- begin
- fConsoleCS.Acquire;
- try
- if Assigned(fOnBeforeLog) then
- fOnBeforeLog(Self);
- WriteLn(aLogger.FormatLine(aTime, aLevel, aSender, aMessage));
- if Assigned(fOnAfterLog) then
- fOnAfterLog(Self);
- finally
- fConsoleCS.Release;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TutlConsoleLogger.Create(const aSection: TCriticalSection);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- if Assigned(aSection) then
- fConsoleCS:= aSection
- else
- fConsoleCS:= TCriticalSection.Create;
- fFreeConsoleCS:= not Assigned(aSection);
- end;
- destructor TutlConsoleLogger.Destroy;
- begin
- if fFreeConsoleCS then
- FreeAndNil(fConsoleCS);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- { TutlEventLogger }
- procedure TutlEventLogger.WriteLog(const aLogger: TutlLogger; const aTime: TDateTime;
- const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String);
- begin
- fWriteLogEvt(aLogger,aTime, aLevel, aSender, aMessage);
- end;
- constructor TutlEventLogger.Create(const aEvent: TutlWriteLogEvent);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- fWriteLogEvt:= aEvent;
- end;
- { TutlLogger }
- procedure TutlLogger.RegisterConsumer(const aConsumer: IutlLogConsumer; const aFilter: TutlLogLevels);
- var
- ll: TutlLogLevel;
- tmp: IutlLogConsumer;
- begin
- fConsumersLock.Acquire;
- try
- tmp := aConsumer; // HACK: store interface due to ref count bug :/
- for ll:= low(ll) to high(ll) do
- if (ll in aFilter) and (fConsumers[ll].IndexOf(tmp) < 0) then
- fConsumers[ll].Add(tmp);
- finally
- tmp := nil;
- fConsumersLock.Release;
- end;
- if llDebug in aFilter then
- aConsumer.WriteLog(Self, Now, llDebug, 'System', 'Attached to Logger');
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.UnRegisterConsumer(const aConsumer: IutlLogConsumer; const aFilter: TutlLogLevels);
- var
- ll: TutlLogLevel;
- begin
- fConsumersLock.Acquire;
- try
- for ll := low(ll) to high(ll) do
- if ll in aFilter then
- fConsumers[ll].Remove(aConsumer);
- finally
- fConsumersLock.Release;
- end;
- end;
- class function TutlLogger.FormatTime(const aTime: TDateTime): string;
- begin
- Result:= FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss.zzz',aTime);
- end;
- function TutlLogger.FormatSender(const aSender: TObject): String;
- begin
- if Assigned(aSender) then
- result := format('%s[0x%P]', [aSender.ClassName, Pointer(aSender)])
- else
- result := '';
- end;
- class function TutlLogger.FormatLine(const aTime: TDateTime; const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: string; const aMessage: String): string;
- begin
- if (aSender <> '') then
- Result:= Format('%s %-9s %s: %s', [FormatTime(aTime), UpperCase(utlLogLevelStrings[aLevel]), aSender, aMessage])
- else
- Result:= Format('%s %-9s %s', [FormatTime(aTime), UpperCase(utlLogLevelStrings[aLevel]), aMessage]);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.InternalLog(const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(aLevel, FormatSender(aSender), aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.InternalLog(const aLevel: TutlLogLevel; const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- var
- msg: string;
- when: TDateTime;
- i: integer;
- begin
- if length(aParams) = 0 then
- msg:= aMessage
- else
- msg:= Format(aMessage, aParams);
- when:= Now;
- fConsumersLock.Acquire;
- try
- for i:= 0 to fConsumers[aLevel].Count-1 do begin
- fConsumers[aLevel][i].WriteLog(Self, when, aLevel, aSender, msg);
- end;
- finally
- fConsumersLock.Release;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Debug(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llDebug, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Debug(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llDebug, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Log(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llInfo, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Log(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llInfo, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Warning(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llWarning, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Warning(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llWarning, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Error(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llError, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Error(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aParams: array of const);
- begin
- InternalLog(llError, aSender, aMessage, aParams);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Error(const aSender: String; const aMessage: String; const aException: Exception);
- begin
- InternalLog(llError, aSender, utlCreateStackTrace(aMessage, aException), []);
- end;
- procedure TutlLogger.Error(const aSender: TObject; const aMessage: String; const aException: Exception);
- begin
- InternalLog(llError, aSender, utlCreateStackTrace(aMessage, aException), []);
- end;
- constructor TutlLogger.Create;
- var
- ll: TutlLogLevel;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- fConsumersLock:= TCriticalSection.Create;
- fConsumersLock.Acquire;
- try
- for ll:= low(ll) to high(ll) do begin
- fConsumers[ll]:= TutlLogConsumerList.Create(true);
- end;
- finally
- fConsumersLock.Release;
- end;
- end;
- destructor TutlLogger.Destroy;
- var
- ll: TutlLogLevel;
- begin
- fConsumersLock.Acquire;
- try
- for ll:= low(ll) to high(ll) do begin
- fConsumers[ll].Clear;
- FreeAndNil(fConsumers[ll]);
- end;
- finally
- fConsumersLock.Release;
- end;
- FreeAndNil(fConsumersLock);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- finalization
- FreeAndNil(utlLogger_Singleton);
- end.