- unit utsTypes;
- {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
- {$ENDIF}
- interface
- type
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Enumerations//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {$Z4}
- TtsCodePage = (
- tsUTF8,
- tsISO_8859_1,
- tsISO_8859_2,
- tsISO_8859_3,
- tsISO_8859_4,
- tsISO_8859_5,
- tsISO_8859_6,
- tsISO_8859_7,
- tsISO_8859_8,
- tsISO_8859_9,
- tsISO_8859_10,
- tsISO_8859_11,
- tsISO_8859_13,
- tsISO_8859_14,
- tsISO_8859_15,
- tsISO_8859_16,
- tsISO_037,
- tsISO_437,
- tsISO_500,
- tsISO_737,
- tsISO_775,
- tsISO_850,
- tsISO_852,
- tsISO_855,
- tsISO_857,
- tsISO_860,
- tsISO_861,
- tsISO_862,
- tsISO_863,
- tsISO_864,
- tsISO_865,
- tsISO_866,
- tsISO_869,
- tsISO_874,
- tsISO_875,
- tsISO_1026,
- tsISO_1250,
- tsISO_1251,
- tsISO_1252,
- tsISO_1253,
- tsISO_1254,
- tsISO_1255,
- tsISO_1256,
- tsISO_1257,
- tsISO_1258);
- TtsFormat = (
- tsFormatEmpty,
- tsFormatRGBA8,
- tsFormatLumAlpha8,
- tsFormatAlpha8,
- tsFormatLum8);
- TtsVertAlignment = (
- tsVertAlignTop,
- tsVertAlignCenter,
- tsVertAlignBottom);
- TtsHorzAlignment = (
- tsHorzAlignLeft,
- tsHorzAlignCenter,
- tsHorzAlignRight,
- tsHorzAlignJustify);
- TtsClipping = (
- tsClipNone, // no clipping
- tsClipWordBorder, // draw all words that have at least one pixel inside the box
- tsClipCharBorder, // draw all chars that have at least one pixel inside the box
- tsClipWordComplete, // draw all words that are completly inside the box
- tsClipCharComplete // draw all chars that are completly inside the box
- );
- TtsAntiAliasing = (
- tsAANone,
- tsAANormal);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Flags/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- TtsBlockFlag = (
- tsBlockFlagWordWrap
- );
- TtsBlockFlags = set of TtsBlockFlag;
- TtsFontStyle = (
- tsStyleBold,
- tsStyleItalic,
- tsStyleUnderline,
- tsStyleStrikeout);
- TtsFontStyles = set of TtsFontStyle;
- TtsColorChannel = (
- tsChannelRed,
- tsChannelGreen,
- tsChannelBlue,
- tsChannelAlpha);
- TtsColorChannels = set of TtsColorChannel;
- TtsImageMode = (
- tsModeIgnore,
- tsModeReplace,
- tsModeModulate);
- TtsImageModes = array[TtsColorChannel] of TtsImageMode;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Structures////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- TtsRenderRef = Pointer;
- PtsCodePageValues = ^TtsCodePageValues;
- TtsCodePageValues = array [AnsiChar] of word;
- PtsColor4f = ^TtsColor4f;
- TtsColor4f = packed record
- case Boolean of
- true: (r, g, b, a: Single);
- false: (arr: array[0..3] of Single);
- end;
- PtsPosition = ^TtsPosition;
- TtsPosition = packed record
- x, y: Integer;
- end;
- PtsRect = ^TtsRect;
- TtsRect = packed record
- case Byte of
- 0: (TopLeft: TtsPosition; BottomRight: TtsPosition);
- 1: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer);
- end;
- TtsVector4f = array[0..3] of Single;
- TtsMatrix4f = array[0..3] of TtsVector4f;
- TtsGlyphMetric = packed record
- GlyphOrigin: TtsPosition;
- GlyphRect: TtsRect;
- Advance: Integer;
- end;
- TtsTextMetric = packed record
- Ascent: Integer;
- Descent: Integer;
- ExternalLeading: Integer;
- BaseLineOffset: Integer;
- CharSpacing: Integer;
- LineHeight: Integer;
- LineSpacing: Integer;
- end;
- TtsFontNames = packed record
- Fontname: String;
- Copyright: String;
- Facename: String;
- Stylename: String;
- Fullname: String;
- end;
- TtsFontMetric = packed record
- Size: Integer;
- Style: TtsFontStyles;
- AntiAliasing: TtsAntiAliasing;
- DefaultChar: WideChar;
- __reserved: SmallInt;
- Ascent: Integer;
- Descent: Integer;
- ExternalLeading: Integer;
- BaseLineOffset: Integer;
- UnderlinePos: Integer;
- UnderlineSize: Integer;
- StrikeoutPos: Integer;
- StrikeoutSize: Integer;
- end;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Callbacks/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- TtsBlendValueFunc = function(const aSrc, aDst: Single): Single;
- TtsBlendColorFunc = function(const aSrc, aDst: TtsColor4f): TtsColor4f;
- implementation
- end.