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  1. program TextSuiteTest;
  2. {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
  3. uses
  4. {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
  5. cthreads,
  6. {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF}
  7. Interfaces, sysutils, Forms, uMainForm,
  8. utsFontCreatorGDI, utsUtils, utsTypes, utsTtfUtils, utsTextSuite, utsRendererOpenGL, utsCodePages;
  9. {$R *.res}
  10. var
  11. HeapTraceLogFile: String;
  12. begin
  13. HeapTraceLogFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'heaptrace.log';
  14. if FileExists(HeapTraceLogFile) then
  15. DeleteFile(HeapTraceLogFile);
  16. SetHeapTraceOutput(HeapTraceLogFile);
  17. RequireDerivedFormResource := True;
  18. Application.Initialize;
  19. Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
  20. Application.Run;
  21. end.